Caustic soda is an important raw materials and also materials used in various chemical processes in many industries. ASC produce caustic soda solution with a concentration in the form of 48% (Liquid caustic Soda) and also in the solid form with a purity level of above 98% (Flake Caustic Soda).
In the textile industry, the caustic soda used in cotton processing in addition also synthetic fibers in the tinting process such as nylon and polyester.
Inthe SOAP and detergent industry, caustic soda used in saponifikasi reactions, i.e. reactions converting vegetable oil into SOAP. Caustic soda is also used in the manufacture of anionic surfactants which is an important component in detergent or cleaning products.
Oil and gas industry (oil and gas) utilizing the caustic soda in the stage of exploration, production or processing of oil and natural gas, where the caustic soda used to remove odors that come from hidrogen sulfide (H2S) or mercaptan.
In the process of production of aluminum, caustic soda is used to dissolve the baiksit ore is the raw material in the production of aluminum.
In the chemical industry, the caustic soda is used as feedstock or chemical processes that result in the downstream chemical products, such as plastic materials, medicines, solvents, synthetic fabric, adesif, dyes, paints, inks, and more. Caustic soda is also used extensively for m