CV. Sumber Buana Perkasa

CV. Sumber Buana Perkasa, is a private company established in 1996 and managed by HR experts from various backgrounds of engineering expertise and experience combined into one solid Team Work so as to ensure the quality of work and technical aspects and applications. CV, Sumber Buana Perkasa, in welcoming the era of globalization and free trade in the Asian region (AFTA), continuously will continue to improve the ability (Competency) so that it can continue to compete with other countries in the field of engineering and technology. CV. Sumber Buana Perkasa, established and oriented in the business, manufacturing, sales and service for process equipment, instrument, water treatment and other service products required by General Industries in Indonesia. CV. Sumber Buana Perkasa, has a high commitment in terms of maintaining the quality of its work and provide the best service for the customer. Email: [email protected]

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Scraper Conveyor Conveying Chain Conveyor Casing

Rp. 123
Last Updated
02 May 2023
Country Origin
Minimum Order
1 Unit

scraper Conveyor

Scraper Conveyor serves to push, move or distribute material from one place to another.

Scraper conveyor is able to carry and transfer the material with speeds up to 30 m / min. Scraper conveyor is driven by electric motors or engines via a link in the form of a chain drive.

The parts of the scraper conveyor is as follows:

a. Conveying Chain (chain conveyor)

Conveying Chain mounted on a scrapper that serves to push the material along the conveyor. Scrapper may include iron plate or pipe.

b. conveyor Casing

Conveying Casing is shelter material to be driven by a scrapper mounted on a chain conveyor. In the framework of conveyor casings in pairs groove for the chain conveyor. On the conveyor groove in pairs plate coating (wearing Strip) which can be changed to protect the flow of the friction roller chain coveyor.

The conveyor can be made as wide and long as needed

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